Know thyself advised Gurus, Masters and avatars who changed the life of ours

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Purpose Of Life

what is life, any purpose? how we spend , what we ignore, loose, how to do, what others told Life is very valuable to every human being in particular and to any living being in general. Every one, every being loves its life and struggles to live. Every one tries to save his life at any cost. This implies that life is the most valuable and important one in this world, as long as we live. To sustain, people take up different professions, jobs and earn money. To live in a better way, they invent, learn new techniques and arts to make living more comfortable and meaningful. But the basic question is why we live. What is the objective of living. What is the purpose behing this entire life. Is it just mere accident we came in to this world and go away from here. We have no choice while coming into this world. we have no control while we depart from here. Then what control do we have on us? what we can do on this life? When we study the entire universe, we can know that there is order in every thing. A purpose behind every thing. Some we can not understand with our limited perspective senses or knowledge. The sun emitting heat and light for the earth planet, creating climates systematically, not revolving, the atmosphere around earth, rains every thing confirms the order and the purpose. The entire science is only to explore the existing orders, purpose behind them. The creator is very very wise and he has perfect planning, order , objective behind every creation. So, there must be objective behind our life too. The objective is very complicated but in simple terms know thyself. Know yourself and your true nature. Then you can automatically where from you came and where you are going. The purpose of life is to achieve higher evolution. The final state in the evolution of a living being is reaching Godly status or reaching its original form. Reaching here means, not physically but spiritual evolution to the highest standards. The evolution starts from mineral, rock stage and passes through all types of living forms with an objective of reaching the Godly state. The last but one stage is Human form where you have been blessed with intellegence, logical brain and a heart . Here, after getting all these things we have to utilize them and reach the goal of self realization. Some times this objective may not be fulfilled in one life. But , what ever effort you put now and achieve some thing, would be carried forward to next life and can be continued from there. So, we know now that there is a clear objective behind our life. This is confirmed by all the scriptures, relegions, sacred texts and it is the truth beyond any doubt.

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