Know thyself advised Gurus, Masters and avatars who changed the life of ours

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

raise and fall of musharaf

musharaf came to power by throwing down the democratic leader parwarej and ruled pakistan for about 7 years under military rule. His coming to power was a miracle as well as losing his post back to democracy. He is a military man and loves his uniform very much. Time was very favourable to him to run the country under his power (military rule). In a referendum he got favourable votes and he continued his ruling and kept pakistan in dark . He wrote a book also as if he was going to be a historic figure. But , times changed. The destiny is not favourable. He had to give way to the changes. The power is slipping from his hands. His own men in army are disowning him. sooner or later he will go into exile, which is the only recourse left to him. The lesson learnt is that never think any power, position as your permananent thing. Your own hair and teeth are not staying with you till you die , then what is this power?



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