Know thyself advised Gurus, Masters and avatars who changed the life of ours

Sunday, January 21, 2007

God Listens?

All the devotees pray when they face troubles. Non devotees too pray for help secretely when they are in dangers, mishaps and difficulties. Thus with a belief that some unknown protector of the universe listens to our prayers pray God . But the question is god does listen to us? The concept of God listens true?. God definitely listens to every thing. He listens to even the whisper of an ant. But will he give what we want is questionable. God created the world, universe with his objective and maintaining it with it. God wants us to know ourselves. He prescribes self realization through hard work and efforts. But what we do? we pray him for our love, marriage, children, health and every thing. God arranges our marriage for his devine purpose. But , meanwhile, with anxiety we pray him for a particular alliance . If that alliance is within his plan, that marriage takes place. then we think he listened to our prayer. We pray for offsprings. But , whether we pray or not he gives offsprings to many and many to further this creation. But we think we are blessed with children. No harm in thinking like this, but the truth is God will not change his objectives for our prayers.

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