Ganesh is an important lord, god in indian (hindu) relegion. He is very very important diety and every body is afraid of him and worships him.He has many names out of which the following names are well known, ganesh, ganesha, vignesh, vinayaka, ganapathi, vigneswara. He has lot of significance in mysticism and self realization. He is the lord of all types of vighnas that means he is the controller of all hurdles, upsets, problems for every effort. He has to be prayed for pacifying all types of hurdles, troubles for any work. By default, every proposal of a man meets a failure, trouble. Thats why we hear man proposes God disposes. So, for every work, for every auspicious work people used to pray for Vinayaka, lord of all troubles. All relegious activities would start only after praying to Lord Ganesha. Ganesh is son of Lord Siva and Parvathi. He is not born to any body, his idol was made by parvathi and life was given to him by Lord Shiva. Ganesha will have an elephant face. Because his original human face was chopped off, beheaded by Lord shiva with his trident but later he brought an elephant head and joined back and gave back lives. He passed a test put by His parents and won the supremacy over the troubles, ganas, hudles. In yoga sastra, it is mentioned that he is the lord of muladhara chakra, the first starting chakra for yoga meditation and kundalini practice. When you cross all the six chakras, only a person gets self realization and devine powers.
This practice is called kundalini. A person can do any thing when his kundalini energy awakes. kundalini is a sleeping serpent in the vertebrate, down most point. It is written by some people who got this kundalini awakened, that a person who got this power can make an iron into gold just by touching. So, Ganesh , vinayaka is the Lord of the first gate for this awakening point. If we arise this chakra itself, we get lot of powers. Such important diety is Lord Ganesh aka vinayaka. This month on 27th is the birth day of Ganesha and all hindus perform this festival and seek his blessings. Whenever your efforts are failing , or many hurdles are coming one after another for your efforts in business, employment, education
know that Ganesh has to be pleased or His blessings would be useful.Though vaishnavites, who worship Lord vishnu,never worship siva or his family, they definitely pray Lord Ganesha. The simple mantra for worshipping Lord Ganesha is: ome gam ganeshaya namaha.
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